Sternbergs Most Wanted

Här har ni killen med DET!! <3
Connemara hingst född mars 2015 e. Ardas Murphy u. StPrSt Sternbergs Lady Lee ue. El Larry II  uue Lorenzo

Most Wanted visades på Frankonian Foalchampionchip i juli 2015 med Guldpremie och 2a bästa connemara föl samt reserve champion föl av alla sportsponnyraser.


Kopierat från Sternbergs hemsida om Sternbergs Lady Lee...

* First premium awardedBest foal of the foal inspection in Voegnitz of 14 Connemara Foals in 2006
* Classwinner, Best in Race and Overall Champion Frankonian Ponyshow Gerolzhofen 2008 as an only 2 yrs old!!
* Inspected in Studbook I with 9s for type and trot, all other grades 8s; Dream Score: 8,3!! Best inspected mare of all races  from over 340  mares!!
* States Premium Candidate mare
* Class winner and Champion mare of all Sports Pony Breeds Landesponyshow 2009
* Class winner Frankonian Pony Show 2009
* Class winner & Second Reserve Champion Mare South German Connemara Show
* Classwinner and Reserve Champion all Sportspony Breeds Frankonian Ponyshow 2011
* Successfully performance tested, 2nd best of all ponies Ansbach 2011

Typ 9, Körperbau 8+, Korrektheit 8, Schritt 8, Trab 9, Galopp 8, Gesamteindruck 8


Sternbergs Lady Lee
Sternbergs Lady Lee
Sternbergs Lady Lee
Sternbergs Lady Lee
Ardas Murphy
Ardas Murphy
Sternbergs Lady Lee
Sternbergs Lady Lee